Congratulations Everyone!
It was a dark and dangerous quest but we finally reached the campaign goal of $3000! Thank you so much for supporting Dragon Bait Miniature’s Fantasy Adventurer’s Indiegogo – this really means a lot to Joe and has helped to cover the costs in having these unique miniatures produced. By achieving this goal you have also unlocked the Half-orc druid’s boar companion and the ever-essential Halfling butler! As stated earlier, you will receive both stretch goal rewards for every full set of miniatures you have contributed to.
There are 2 more days to go before the campaign comes to an end – so don’t miss out if you have not contributed yet! You still have an opportunity to seize these fantastic miniatures while their hot from the forges of Griffin Moulds. The best news is:
So once the campaign has finished Joe will start to TELEPORT your orders to you without a moment’s delay! (‘Teleport’ is actually a fancy Halfling word for . . . mail quickly).
I know that Joe has already begun work on his next set of adventurers, which include a heroic Gnome cavalier mounted on his trusty canine steed, a fearless Dwarven witch-hunter and even a mystical Half-elven female oracle, among many others! Once again thank you all so much for the contributions and helping Dragon Bait bring some of the finest old-school inspired miniatures back to the gaming table!
Best regards Mike