Krackatoans Pack Three

This December we will be kicking off our second Indiegogo campaign. Twenty three incredible new 28mm miniatures from sculptors like Kev Adams, Dave Soderquist and Tim Prow will make this campaign the best yet. Even now I have some green images on DB’s facebook page which will be all about the second campaign. If this sounds like it might be for you than:
Thanks, Joe
Hi Folks,
Most orders have been shipped as of yesterday. All I am waiting for now is some folks to pick what packs they want with some of the smaller perks. Thanks again!!
Well the smoke has cleared I can’t thank you all for the support you folks have given me. My aim is to have everyone’s orders in the mail by Saturday, May 31’st.
If you have decided on a perk that is less than the full set, then please e-mail me your choice of what packs you would like so I can get them out as soon as possible!
I look forward to your feed back both with the miniatures and my campaign itself. I have several slots left in my next group and any suggestions for characters would be great.
Thanks again,
With their delightful cadence and stiff beret, who could resist such pig in their collection?
Sixteen hours left and I cannot thank you guys enough for it’s unexpected success. To those who have ordered I am in the process of packaging and will send you a note when its shipped through the campaign this week. I am really excited about the stretch goals and glad to send them out because they are so nice.
For those on the fence rest assured, all is in my possession and you, only you, can give these abandoned, incredibly detailed , character laden, 28mm pewter goodness a home. I shall not rest my weary little gnome fingers till all is sent.
Thanks for your confidence and time to get back to packing!!
Congratulations Everyone!
It was a dark and dangerous quest but we finally reached the campaign goal of $3000! Thank you so much for supporting Dragon Bait Miniature’s Fantasy Adventurer’s Indiegogo – this really means a lot to Joe and has helped to cover the costs in having these unique miniatures produced. By achieving this goal you have also unlocked the Half-orc druid’s boar companion and the ever-essential Halfling butler! As stated earlier, you will receive both stretch goal rewards for every full set of miniatures you have contributed to.
There are 2 more days to go before the campaign comes to an end – so don’t miss out if you have not contributed yet! You still have an opportunity to seize these fantastic miniatures while their hot from the forges of Griffin Moulds. The best news is:
So once the campaign has finished Joe will start to TELEPORT your orders to you without a moment’s delay! (‘Teleport’ is actually a fancy Halfling word for . . . mail quickly).
I know that Joe has already begun work on his next set of adventurers, which include a heroic Gnome cavalier mounted on his trusty canine steed, a fearless Dwarven witch-hunter and even a mystical Half-elven female oracle, among many others! Once again thank you all so much for the contributions and helping Dragon Bait bring some of the finest old-school inspired miniatures back to the gaming table!
Best regards Mike
Hi Folks,
First of all thanks to everyone who has backed Dragon Bait Miniature’s Fantasy Adventurer’s Indiegogo campaign! There are only 4 more days left before the campaign ends and we are fast approaching our goal of $3000! If you’ve been watching the campaign, waiting for the right moment – hesitate no more – now is the time to stand up and join this heroic band of contributors! Don’t miss this golden opportunity to get these highly detailed and original miniatures sculpted by Kev Adams at a great price and before they are available to the general public. As an added incentive I have decided to combine the two stretch goal rewards in this campaign. When the campaign goal of $3000 is reached everyone who purchased a complete set of the 12 Fantasy Adventurers will receive both the Half-orc Druid’s boar and the Halfling butler! Better than a poke-in-the-eye! Additional copies of the stretch goal figures will be available for $4 a piece.
I thought I should also mention some cool news that Dragon Bait Fantasy Adventurers has recently been featured on Not Just Another Gaming Podcast. You can check out a review of the figures plus other great gaming news at this link http://www.njagp.com/.
Thanks again for your support and getting the word out about the campaign.
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in posting a new update – Joe has been tied up with work commitments and asked me to let everyone know how things are progressing. First and foremost Joe has received all the castings and is in the process of sorting and bagging them up (no rest for the wicked!) This means that as soon as the campaign ends Joe will be posting out your miniatures without delay. I hope everyone has had a chance to peruse the gallery – these miniatures have been expertly sculpted by Kev Adams and are packed with detail and personality. I cant wait to paint these adventurers up and use them in my next dungeon crawl!
Several of you have asked how do the Dragon Bait adventurers compare in size to those from other manufacturers? I’ve attached a scale comparison image which shows the Dragon Bait Human Cleric next to a magic-user from Otherworld (also by Kev Adams) and a sorcerer from Reaper Miniatures. In style and proportions they should fit in seamlessly with the modern 28mm scale figures. Dragon Bait dwarves and halflings may be short but they are definitely not diminutive – Joe likes his dwarves meaty with some muscle on them and the halflings and gnomes are solid and stocky (as one would expect from a hard-bitten adventurer!).
Joe has also been busy working on some new ideas for more original adventurers and also some very unusual encounters – Please drop Joe a line with any suggestions you might have or post a comment. Finally thanks for contributing to the Dragon Bait Fantasy Adventurer campaign, Joe really does appreciate the support and is very excited about expanding the range. Also be sure to spread the word about these excellent miniatures! All the best Mike
Timothy Lison, a Golden Demon Award winner, has generously started painting up the range of miniatures. I have posted his great job of the first set in the gallery.
Again thanks for the support folks and thanks Tim for the great job!
I am excited to say all the figures have arrived from England and are being sorted and packed. Here are some of the first pro painted images I can share with you folks. Again many thanks and my photography skills just don’t do them justice.
Some great shots of the new dwarf and half-orc fighter. At this time I have all fourteen of the sculpts and have fowarded them on to the caster.
Thanks again folks for helping me make this campaign a reality..
I can’t thank you guys enough for your support. Over a grand!. To make this day even more incredible I have received some more images from Kev. Its hard to pick a favorite but I love the Halfling butler, Imagine how much he could harass player characters with his snidely voice and upper airs! Enough prattle from me and thanks again folks!
Wow guys I am really getting pumped and want to thanks all of youfor contributing. We are almost 25 % there! The greens from Kev are just amazing and here’s a close and personal of one of my favorites.